
Showing posts from May, 2024

My LFX Mentorship Journey with CNCF: Kyverno - D N Siva Sathyaseelan

5 min · D N Siva Sathyaseelan -  Github I have always wanted to participate in the  LFX Mentorship program  and here I am, graduated, writing this blog. These 3 months were amazing! This blog covers my experience in this mentorship. What’s the LFX Mentorship? “The Linux Foundation Mentorship Program is designed to help developers — many of whom are first-time open source contributors — with necessary skills and resources to learn, experiment, and contribute effectively to open source communities. By participating in a mentorship program, mentees have the opportunity to learn from experienced open source contributors as a segue to get internship and job opportunities upon graduation.” If you are interested in participating in the LFX Mentorship programs, you can find more information at . My acceptance into the program Once the application process began, I drafted a cover letter and I was contributing to  kyverno  for some time which I included